Maria McPherson

Tuesday 24 July 2007

WOO HOO it's getting there!!!

Well today I learned how to do the links at the side of my blog! This is huge deal to a technophobe like myself! Now just need to work out how to do a groovy banner thingy for my title LOL!!!! One step at a time Maria!

Today has been busy,busy,busy! Which isn't great as I've been a bit under the weather and am struggling with a sore throat :( I've been sorting out a stack of orders for the shop and putting together the kits for rest of the year! I just love doing this and am just sooo excited about all the new products released at CHA.....ooh decisions, decisions! Think I've made my final decisions....just need to order now :)

The rest of this week is spoken for already (where does the time go?).... tomorrow I am visiting Tom and Mary (my late hubby's parents) and then home to finish off a cj, pack and post orders and get ready for my trip to Wigan :)

My friend Kim and I are having a photo shoot with the lovely and very talented Anita Mundt! And we are soooo excited about it so keep your fingers crossed that the weather holds out for us! We're travelling down on Thursday and coming home on the'll be a lovely break for us both. Oh and we are travelling in style!!! Kim has just bought herself a BMW Z4 so we can pose to our hearts content LOL!!!

Right that's about it for tonight.

Maria x


Anonymous said...

Looking good too! I hadn't realised you could make a comment - doh! But now I know.